Jain Femitab Capsule contains Asoka, Lodhra, Bilva, Arjuna, Musta, Triphala Fruit, Sweta Sariva, Hemidesmus Indicus, Daruharidra, Sveta Jiraka, Methi, Graecum, Yastimadhu, Amra Seed and Magnifera Indica as a combination of ingredients.
Key benefits/uses of Jain Femitab Capsule:
- Used in excess of bleeding during menses (menorrhagia), inter-cycle bleeding, irregular menstrual cycle (Polymenorrhoea), painful menstruation (dysmenorrhoea)
- Used in treating leucorrhoea
- Helps to prevent tiredness, weakness, anemia, pain in the back and limbs
- Used to treat physical and psychological disorders that affect the health and efficiency of women